Monthly Archives - July 2016


Whilst browsing through financial headlines, the word “Bonds” has most likely popped up a lot of times and typically a lot of people have no clue as to what it means or how to leverage on opportunities it offers. Trading in bonds remains the safest and most predictable investment vehicle all over the world and Nigeria is not an exception. Our discourse this week focuses on the meaning and types of bonds as well as the advantages and process of [...]

Letters of Credit Nigeria


Dear Subscriber, The World has become smaller especially with the advent of the internet and it is now simpler for people that are not in the same geographical location to do business without necessarily seeing or meeting each themselves. With this simplicity however comes the huge risk of transacting parties either misunderstanding themselves or a dubious party to the transaction deliberately swindling the innocent party on the other side. As international trade evolved, the need arose for a suitable model that [...]


Dear Subscriber, It is common to hear the word shares or share capital being used in the business sector especially relating to a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or a Public Limited Company (PLC). The word ‘Share’ is synonymous with ownership rights in a company and represents the limits of an individual or corporations rights in a business entity. In Nigeria it is common for Entrepreneurs to reflect deeply on who to bring on board their Company knowing the implications of giving [...]

Expatriate Quota in Nigeria


Dear Subscriber,  As business becomes more international in scope, corporations require special skills that sometimes need to brought in from other countries and in this global age it is important that key personnel be able to cross borders expeditiously. Corporate Immigration thus refers to the movement of people into a destination country in order to take-up employment as a migrant worker or temporarily as a foreign worker. For the purpose of this discourse we will be looking at three ways to [...]