Monthly Archives - October 2016


Dear Subscriber, Cash flow is like blood to a business and without which a business is primed for failure. Within limited resources every business is expected to manage all its cost centers including operations, personnel, marketing, compliance etc. and still declare profits at the end of the financial year. This constant pull on scarce resources coupled with the exorbitant bank interest rates has propelled entrepreneurs to regularly seek funding from willing investors. Investors can either be friends and family or properly [...]


Dear Subscriber, Nobody starts a business expecting to fail, but statistics show that only 50% of new businesses survive the first five years. There are many reasons for this alarming statistic which may not necessarily have anything to do with the economy and our discourse this week identifies some of the causes of failure and how entrepreneurs can overcome these obstacles to success. 1. FUNDING CONSTRAINTS One of the major reasons most businesses fail is inadequate funding. Most entrepreneurs fail to adequately [...]