Monthly Archives - January 2017


Dear Subscriber, Every nation has an excess of something which is required in another country. The process of exchanging these goods or services is known as  international or cross-border trade and in most countries this forms a substantial portion of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Ensuring that business entities that are separated by borders, diverse laws and cultural differences do business seamlessly has always been of paramount concern and this concern has led to the development of some internationally accepted contracts [...]


Dear Subscriber, One of the most valuable assets of a business is its brand. The brand could be projected through a product or service which it trades to its customers or clients in return for consideration. Businesses spend a lot of time and money on creating and developing unique products/services which gives then an advantage in the market space however these efforts are often threatened by the antics of imitators and counterfeiters who attempt to cash in on the goodwill [...]


2016 was quite eventful globally. The World witnessed political and economic change that generated ripples that was felt all across the globe. Notably, Britain voted to leave the European Union and the USA voted Donald Trump who has vowed to trash the status quo. Here in Nigeria, our economy was heavily battered by recession caused in part by the drastic fall in crude oil prices and tensions in the Niger Delta region. The apparent disconnect between the monetary and fiscal [...]