Monthly Archives - April 2018


Dear Subscriber, Traditional media channels (TV, Radio, Print etc) are facing a losing battle with emerging digital information channels (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram etc) and it is only a question of time before traditional media as we know it becomes extinct.   With the advent of new media came a new crop of Influencers who have acquired massive followership on social media platforms. The size of their followers has helped them gain the attention of corporate brands who then engage them to [...]


Dear Subscriber, Easter symbolizes  hope, renewal, and a new life. At IOC Law we pray that in this season you will experience the hope of new beginnings and success in your endeavors. As we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ we  are inspired by this video on how an Eagle survives old age. The morale is that we sometimes need to get rid of old memories, habits and other limitations in other to take advantage of the present. Enjoy and [...]