A man was walking through a forest when he saw a crippled fox. “I wonder how it manages to feed itself?” He thought.

At that moment, a tiger approached, carrying its prey in its mouth. The tiger ate its fill and left what remained for the fox.

“If God helps the fox, he will help me too,”  The man thought. He went back home, shut himself up in his house and waited for the Heavens to bring him food.

Nothing happened.

He lay there in bed waiting for God to provide for him as he had for the fox, but instead just starved.

Just when he was becoming almost too weak to go out and work, an angel appeared.

“Why did you decide to imitate the crippled fox?” asked the angel. “God has given you gifts and abilities to contribute to the world and make a living, while looking after the crippled foxes of the world.  Get out of bed, pick up your tools and follow the way of the tiger!”

I only have one question today.  Which one are you, the fox or the tiger?

We thank you for your support in 2015 and wish you a prosperous New Year.

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